Friday, December 17, 2010

Is it true that Atheists have magical faith?
Is it true that Atheists are blind believers?

Let's see how these questions originate. A theist asks an atheist, How this universe came into being? (Not necessarily this could be a valid question but for the heck of it)
The atheist reply – Because it can.

Theist burst into laughter and amazement, and he says – So, you mean that Universe exists, just because it can? and the universe came into being on its own!!! without any intelligent guiding force? that to me Sir, is faith and blind faith it is, and its magical thinking. LOLA, this entire universe on its own !!??? No God nothing?? again....On its own!! No wonder your lack of belief in God is blind faith.

Then, the atheist asks “ please, control your laughter, how do you propose the God exists? How he came into existence? Does he exists on his own!! “

Theist = Duh!! If the Universe can exist, so can God, Checkmate Atheist.

But there is a fallacy. We KNOW that Universe exists, we can explain the reason for its existence by its competence to exist.
But when we are inquiring for the existence of this entity God, we cannot make such equivocation because certainly don't know if it exists, we are inquiring.

Who is being magical?

Why does dog lick his balls?

It can be because, he wants to relieve the itch, or he knows his saliva is an antiseptic, etc. You can give hundred of answers, but the one answer....that he licks his balls because he CAN is certainly true.

Moving on from common sense to the Logic.
What can be asserted as true or false with Logic? Can we always “prove” things to be true or false with the use of logic? What's the scope of logic?

With logic we can only know if the reason for something to believe in, is true or false, we cannot prove something itself could be true or false.

That is the very definition of the logic. It governs reasoning.

Premise 1 – All the fishes live under water
Premise 2 – Some of the fishes are mammals and some are not
Conclusion – “Therefore” Fishes could both be mammals and non mammals

Fair enough, the conclusion follows from the premises, good reasoning

Another example

Premise 1 – Antipyretics relief temperature
Premise 2 – Nisha ingested a blue pill, her temperature got down
Conclusion – "Therefore" Blue pill is Antipyretic.

Now, in this case, the conclusion could be true or false, but the reason, and the word “therefore” is that logical?

When we say something isn't logical, we don't mean the conclusion is not true, it can be true
but the reason for believing it to be true is false.

Humans made the computer that follows laws
The universe, pretty much as we observed follow laws
Therefore, the Universe must have a designer

Hence Proved, nahi? simple, sophisticated 

When someone says he/she is an atheist, because there is no reason, for him/her to believe in the existence of God.

The very similar argument follows, in which theist is laughing hard and wiping tears and say God follows laws because he just can........Checkmate atheist.

I have noticed a particular phobia, in people, by which people, resist saying that they are atheist.
One part of it has to do with the belief that......Belief in God is a good thing, one should believe in the belief of God but may not believe in God itself.
And the other part is, that God is beyond logic....yes the agnostic argument.

An agnostic is someone who is not sure if he has balls or not – Akhi Nambiar

In order to pretend to be open-minded, people can indulge in utter paradoxical thoughts and sheer nonsense. Can a married bachelor exist? According to a casual agnostic – it may or may not, for him there is no way to know if he can or cannot.

Modern-day agnosticism is derived partly from over-infatuation with mysterious pseudoscience and urge to pretend to be open minded. Sort of Escapism that suggests that God is beyond reason, is no argument at all. What is beyond logic can never be asserted, it can never be proved, disproved or can never be a hypothesis. All the hypothesis and concept that are in the world are the product of our ability to reason, could be right or wrong, but what is beyond reason, can never exist as a concept for us to rationalize or analyze.
All the definitions and different concepts of God arise from human rationality, if their possibility can be asserted then so can be their impossibility. Saying, married bachelor can exist, besides being self-contradictory, because it's out of our rationality is an attempt to fool ourselves.

I did not write anything new, or anything we never discussed in our life, but just
thought-provoking food, it can be.

Most people, rather stay away from discussing religion, theism because at some point or another discussion leads to ethics, behavior and morality. Most people rather not discuss it, I guess because they don't want to confront their mind. They would sometimes even show a strong reaction to anyone who is just making casual talk because of the phobia, of moral discussion. They want to keep doing what they like, and what seems good for the moment and escaping as much as they can from consequences or uncomfortable situation which would expose their doing and belief. It's good enough to say, I am theist, or Hindu, or Sikh, while often doing stuff completely opposite to their belief.